its been awhile

wow, its been awhile since i wrote in here... so i thought i'd write, my christmas was alright i guess... i got nice things, a digital camera some bath stuff, and things like that... it was nice uhhh nothing else really, on sunday johns family came over for christmas, holy shit, i had no idea who all these pl were, and they were all in my house, i got kinda pissed off, and i was tired, but yea lol... yesterday did nothing really, dan came over, we didn't really do much, watched t.v., hung out, it was nice to just hang out with him... then he left, and i talked to britanny almost for the whole rest of the day... we are so gay, we laugh about the stupidest things for 15 minutes haha... today i crunched my hair, and have pretty pink make up on, its looks cute i think... but yea, really nothing else to say... later
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