Snow Day

snow day! woooo today wokr up at 6:00... TV said one hour delay. Woke up at 7:00... TV said 2 hour delay. Woke up 8:00... TV said closed so thats always good... britt called me at 8:30 and we talked untill like 11:00, thats always fun, i love talking to brittany :) Dan came over for like 5 mins to get my computer and TRY to fix it... but uh yea, thanks alot buddy ;) then my dad came and picked me up so yea... i'm gunna be able to go home tomorrow morning, so thats good... me and dan have been hanging out alot more, and i like it, i have a really good time with him... oh... i'm gunna be goind to North Carolina from the 1st of febuary to the 4th, so thats gunna be nice, i'll get to see my sister and alexys :)... the Valentines Dance is on the 5th, not that i'm gunna be going... i was just stating that fact... but i'm gunna go eat dinner now i'm not waiting for ::*Perfection*::
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haha omg as i was reading ur diary and read about ur vacationing part..i was thinking "oh good she will be back by the valentines day dance" then read mroe down and saw that you were just "stating it" haha i love you