jus got home

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: unappreciated
yup... i just got home, and i'm sooo tired i went camping somewhere like 4 hours away, fer like 3 days... then i went to darien lake for the next 2... it was actually kinda fun, we stayed at the hotel there... i went there 2 times b4, the first time i jus went on all the water things, the next time i went on all the spinny gay fair type rides... and this time i went on like everything... i actually even went on the sling shot thing... they like shoot you up in a ball way up in the air... it was so fun... i wanted to do the skycoaster thingy, where you like jus fall.... but my dad didn't want to pay, and sam didn't want to go with me :(.... there were actually alot of hott guys there, most of them all had girls to hold on 2, there was this one kid, we talked fer a lil bit, but i had to go meet my dad, and then they left... soooooo, yea... but i had a pretty good time, even tho i em kinda really burnt, o well... welll... i should probly go un pack my bag now, ugh!!!... i really don't want to... my head hurts so bad, ow... ehhhhh... w/e might write more later...
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you're the only person on the lil "active users" list. man thats cool

i like ur quote on the top of ur diary right there =)