
today... woke up, went to school, mrs. alonso needs to die, mr. rossie is gay, and mr. cordi can go suck a dick... dan came over at like 4:00 and we went to to see Darkness... my mom dropped us off at taco bell so we could eat before the movie, *cuz i was hungry* hehe... then we walked down to see it, omg, it was a good story and all, and the previews look wicked good, but don't set yourself up for anything unreal, cuz it was kinda gay, and the ending sucked... if you want go see it you may like it... but its not scary, and the ending sucks, so, just prepare, lol... anywayz, i want to see white noise wicked bad, but he is going with Jordan, he said thatif he liked it he would go see it again, cuz i have no1 else to see it with, so idk... if not, i want to see boogeyman really bad, so i'll ask sum1 to see that maybe, but not dan if we see white noise, cuz uh, thats just too much... my head hurts really bad now, and my brothers watch keeps going off and he is at his dads... wow its really annoying... but i think i'm gunna go to sleep now :Goodnight:
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