awhile back

well.. its been ahwile... i don't really remeber anything that happend this week... sooo it must not have been that important.. last night, tracei dustin and shawn came and got me outside... it was fuckin freezing!... yea it waas pretty fun.. and then we went to Dustin's, and craigy and ian came over, so they were all playing pool... haha i tried, and i sucked ass!.. hahaha o well, yea, i didn't feele like going home at all!... so i spent the night at tracei's... that was alright, i smelled like smoke today tho... today i actualy got to sleep in... 10:30... but thats like hours later then i usually wake up on days i don't got school.... anywayz i came home and sat around for a few hours... then my mom came home and gave me and tracei a ride to the mall... that was alright... i didn't see any1 from school except dan G. but that was it.. we don't talk, so yea... now i'm here.... jus sitting on my ass, thinkin about how i should go to sleep... but w/e... write more tomorrow later
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stephanie ur my best friend!!!