ugh, mom's for good

Listening to: punk rock 101~ BFS
Feeling: placid
yea... i'm in a wicked good mood, jus really pissed off at my mom... i have to go to her house for good, and i don't want too... o well, i get to hang out w/ dan and tony, i jus hope i don't get on there nerves again, dan has seemed different to me lately... so, idk,but yea my mom is gay, this will be the last time i get to write, except fer on weekends, cuz she don't have a computer.... os yea but anywayz, i'm in a good mood, i jus ate cookis and milk, talking to ryan and dan, i actually smell good... i made myself smell good for ryan ;)... hehe well, i have most of my stuff packed, when i wake britt up at 5, i will pack the rest, i really don't wanna go home, but w/e... maybe it won't be so bad... w/e i gess.... i talked to ryan until like 2 in the morning last night, so once again, i fell asleep w/ a smile on my face, but yea, i thought i had so much more to write then this, but i don't sooo... but my entry's might be pretty long from now on.... cuz i'll only be writting once a week... but yea, i hope i have a really good day, britt have fun at yer cottage... and melissa you smell... endwell was fun, but now i get to go back to nowhere land, and chill w/ dan everyday!... o what fun.... later
Read 4 comments
hey!! i like your diary!! im real sorry about the whole mom thing thats gotta suck!! i wouldnt be able to live w/o a computer!!! good luck on that!!
i don't smell!
have fun