first day back

alright first day back in school... oh great funn... got a new english book, Rules of the Road... sounds gay, i handed in everything for this research paper on time, so i hope i get a good grade on it all... it's 10:10 and i'm already so tired, i should probly just go to sleep now, but for some reason, i just don't feel like it... i did my hair today, not so scrunched but kinda wavey, i thought it loked nice, britt dan and ashley said i looked good, so that made me feel a little better, wednesday or friday i might scrunch it and put it back, i tink it'll look cute, but i'm not sure... we'll have to see... but yea, i really have to pee, so i think i'm going to be doing that as soon as i get off this thing... later
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