lovin this feeling

Listening to: the coke comercial
Feeling: good
hmmm.... today was a pretty good day... it started out really shitty, dan sed he didn't want to be my friend anymore... but then ijus got talking to peter and britt, and they got me happy... than aiel got online... she called me... she was talkin to dan, i wnted to talk tohim sooo bad, and there she was talkin to him... yea, she has a new bf... wut else is new... but then i got back online... feeliin sorta w/e... and kinda shitty... started talkin to my friend erica... we might hang out thi weekend... jus like old times... thats gunna be so great then... dan had told me earlier that his friend ryan wanted to talk to me... and i saw that he was on now... so i IMed him, and he used to hate me, but i gess he sed i was a pretty cool girl... he is quite the funny kid... so... i was all happy, and i IMed dan, to ask him bout ryan, and i was like bye... and he goes later:`(... so i then we started talkin... he's feelin really shitty... but i'm actually pretty happy... if only he was happy with me... o well i gess...o and it was his b-day... i hope it was ok for him so yea... all in all today was a pretty good day... and i'm gunna go to sleep in a very good mood... sooooo... goodnight to you all, and sweet dreamz...
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glad ur finnally happy