quick stop in...ugh

Listening to: nothing
Feeling: whiney
ugh... school pretyt much sucks ass... my first day was boring, andmy second day was alright i gess, i mean, its the second day and i alreayd am sick of it! i talked to anthony, interseting, he was probly expecting some hott girl, and it turned out to just be me... sooo, w/e dan and tabatha broke up, as much as i didn't like her, i wanted them to go out... cuz it made dan happy... and i would back him up all the way for something that made him happy, even if i didn't like her.... besides its not my life, its his,... i was just a fiend supporting another... uuhhhh, idk if anything else really big happend, i don't think so, i think it was just another normal week, o... i brok up with steve, we're still friends tho, so i'm glad bout that, i really wanted to stay friends... o yea!... dans' brother is in my spanish and gym... kinda wierd seeing him in school... hmmmm... nothing new really... but i think i have to leave soon to camping... joy!... ugh well yea... write more as soon as i can later
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