o.k. day

well... took a shower and got ready for the mall went to pick up peter, and i would deffinatly hate to live out where he lives omg... we got to the mall and i went to hollister, bought a shirt and some spray :) went to american eagle, saw hese wicked cute pants, but i didn't ave enoug money, so i just got some lip gloss... we waited for his mom to get done with her hair, and then he drove me home... can't wait till i get my permit... got home and sat on the computer... sat around, ate some things... watched Without A Paddle with my dad, good movie :) came back up... talked to some people on line, did a little something to my diary, just the header and the pic, i like it... thanks britt :) well now i'm waiting for dan to talk to me cuz he's being a moron, and talking to peter and nick... night
Read 4 comments

sorry dans being a moron
hmm..its not a header pick dumb dumb. its a top left:) glad you had a good day though
wow when i clicked the thing to leave you that last comment i left, you had zero n when i finished it you had seven b4 mine. just thought i would share that. oh and whoever that kid is.."nick", hes wicked gay and yeah, i dont like him already:)