
hello... jus sitting here waiting for my mom to pick me up, she was SUPPOSED to come at like 10:30... but the family and faggot went out for breakfast aftter church, and when hse got home, she forgot, so... she's said she'd be here around like 12:30, and its 12:12 right now... hmmm i think today might be an alright day... jus that i'm probly gunna get bitched at for sitting in my room, what the fuck else is new... w.e. i deal with it, BUT I FUCKEN HATE JOHN! HE NEEDS TO FUCKEN LEAVE!!!!...o wait, he has the money... fuck! i hate my mom too... well i jus started complainin about my family again, sooo yea, i think i'm gunna go now... bye
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ahhw your diary is so pretty :)