not tired, and talking to ryan

Listening to: Ashanti~foolish
Feeling: old
nuthin really to say today... dan and tony came over, and this kid josh and his cuzin... it was alrite, dan got me in a really shitty mood at first, but then we talked again, and started laughing and stuff... but he would say sumthin. and i go mmm, thats great, all sarcastic and bitchy, and i'd role my eyes, and he called me a stuck up bitch, that kinda made me feel really bad, cuz that wut he calls tiffany, and idk, i dun want him to think of us the same, cuz she a fucken lil slut, and thats not me at all... but w/e he thinks i gess anywayz, after they left at like 10, i hung out w/ melissa and brittany... i had an ice cream sandwich : ) i'm talking to ryan now, every one always asks if i like him... and idk wut to say, i mean i like to talk to him, but i dun really kno him yet... sooo... he might go out w/ sum slut anywayz, i really dun want him to, not because i want to go out w/ him or anything, i jus think she's a slutty bitch, and they should never have bf'... only like 10 friends w/ benefits.. sooo... but anywayz.. he makes me feel so good wen i talk to him, and he jus called me beautiful.. sooo awwww... : ), he needs to come to my dads this weekend, cuz britt isn't gunna be there, jus at night, and i'm be there all by myself... so yea, i want him to come over, well... thats enough buot him, and i have no more else to write, its like 1:30, and i'm not even tired, ugh... o well... its not like i have summer school... haha.... nite
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your entries are getting boring, now it's all about ryan and dan.