so sick of this

i can't deal with this anymore my mom always changes her mind about things, people in school are being stupid, other people being stupid, my grades, teachers, friends, dan, i don't want to deal with it anymore i was in a good mood when i left this morning, and dan was up at the bus stop, well he was really being gay, then later i was trying to apologize to him for being a bitch, and he was looking at some magazine saying oh she's hott, he didn't even seem like he was listening, i feel so fucking pathetic all the time, and he flirts with like evrey1, sometimes i think he doesn't even wan to be with me, if he did, he would do anything to make it work, and he lets everything get in the way, when i here about him and other girls, i get upset because i think he will start to like her and then be like bye steph, just like he always does. Is it even worth it? if you want to be with me, then i'll do w.e. it take, i'll say sorry to your mom, talk to your step-dad. Anything, i love you, and it hurts when you say oh i don't know anymore, you promised me, you were so sweet, you told me you loved me. So why won't you try to make things work. :( well, yea, my day was shit. i hope you beleive me when i say i'm sorry...
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steph.. i dun kno why you get mad for me sayin' "shes hott.." its my opinion... dun woirrie about it... i think your pretty any ways... soo

And i do believe you when you say sorry... jus i hate it when you tweek shit on me for nuthin at all... ill ttyl...


heyy! lets see it came with a layout of mine, sorry! but you cn check out the layouts..theyre very friend has them on her name [chesterlover] and at the top it says layouts by tiffany..just click that and theyre very cute! hope i helped..

funny picture..teehee..cute icon! luv the diary
oOo for the words i dunno how lol.. i found the layout on sum site when i wuz totally bored and the link clicking thing just came lyk that! lol srry i coan't help ya!
hey i love the pic its really cute!

but if u want to put a pic in the entry instead of having it as your header pic u can use this code if u want...just thought it might be useful if u ever need to put a pic in a entry

as always make shur u take out the space behind the arrows

- :)marcy