
alright.. this thing wouldn't let me on at all last night, so i'm gunna write about my day now... i woke up, chilled around, ate some food, and talked to dan on line a little... yea talk about boring...anywayz, tracei IMed saying she wanted to see a movie, and i said ok, it was 2:08 when she asked me, we wanted to see the 2:45, holy shit did i have to hurry my ass up, i took a shower, and got ready to go in 15 mins : ) proud of myself... so yea, we got to the movies at the last preview, so that was cool... the grudge... awesum movie, scared the shit outta me like 50 times... then i came home to find my dad not home, and my grammas line busy, so i waited for my dad to get home, he said that my mom was supposed to pick me up sometmie in the afternoon... oops... so i jus stayed here another night... so yea, thats pretty much all nothing too great,except i went to see the gudge wich i thought was really good.... so yea, i'll probly write more later bye
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