my great week

Feeling: icky
alright, i was gunna wait till laterto write an entry... but someone who will remain nameless (BRITTANY) wanted to me to write one... well, this week was pretty fucked up!...dan and ryan were having there problems, dan was all, yougo out her, ryan was all, no you... and then dan was like alright, so he made a plan to ask me out on the forth of august, but then ryan told dan how happy he was w/ me,and how sometimes he had to fake being happy w/ audrey... so he sed, screwthat, and wanted ryan to go out w/ me.. so i sed if ryan asks me out, i will say yes... no matter what... and now ryan is saying he doesn't want to dump audrey... and its just all so confusing, and i kno how i feel, but i can't explain it.. and the onl onee who truely understands, is brittany other then that, not much went on, my mom's getting married to this guy named john... i went to a family reunion, nuthin really much happend, and i really don't feel lke writting anymore, so i'm gunna go... later
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