hung around

well, i slept in again... that was nice took a shower called my gramma to take me home, got here, and just hung around... didn't really do anything all day... it was really boring ryan and audrey broke up... i felt bad, ryan said he didn't care but i know he did. talked to dan, i guess he thinks i'm depressed just because i'm not all laughy and smiley all the time, i'm still happy tho... started waatching mona lisa smile, put up an away, my mom got on the comp. i went to the bathroomand i saw my stuff for AIM was gone, didn't surprise me i actually expected it, but when i came out of the bathroom, she had exed most of a conversation with sum1, and who was this, just guess... dan, so i guess he's mad, but all i saw in the convo was dan saying just tell me, and me(my mom) saying that i just didn't want to tell him right now (wow that doesn't even sound lie me) anywayz, dan said ok w.e. i'll just talk to you tomoorw then, bye... i was like mom! and she just looked at me, i said if your gunna ex out my stuff then at least sign me off too, so that ppl don't just start talking to me, and then you won't have to type back. ugh we fought about that for awhile, then i cleaned my room and went outside with ian and brian... but yea... nothing realy, just that my mom talked to dan, that was fun... ya kno mom, it was funny the first time with peter, i was mad, but i did laugh a little, but after you promise not to do it again, thats really cool... so yea... i think i'm gunna go now... later
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