falling right B4 your eyes

hmmmm... my day.... woke up late... went to school... failed my bio quiz... didn't do my math, spanish was wicked gay... lunch was boring...andthe rest of my day sucked...o, and stayed after with tiffany got home... got on line...started takling to dan... we got in a fight about something wicked stupid...ugh.. then i felt like shit afterwards... when he got off line, i went and read all these old convos saved on my computer... wow... i just started crying right there... ugh... i flet like everything he ever told me was a lie... and then we got in another bigger fight, about something way more stupid... but w/e.. we're fine now... well... then i went nd got ready for bed, got in my bed, and couldn't sleep...i thinki might go to the movies with josh, idk though... if not.. i might go over to ryans, or he can come here.. if he wants to... well...so yea... i don't really ave anything more to write about, thats pretty much all... sooo... ...godnight
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hey..thanks for the comment. catcher kicks ass, and im glad to know someone feels like i do. also-when people die in your dreams, its a GOOD thing.
when people die in your dreams, means that they'll live a long life or something like that. i dont really remember, but dont stress about that.-niklof