
Listening to: nobody's home~avril
Feeling: sluggish
i'm so tired but i can't sleep... britt told me to talk to her. so i was lke, wut do you want me to talk about... and she goes anything... dan, so i started talking bout talking dan, bout my AWESOME dream i had last week... the dream was, like we were goin out, and my mom sed i was goin on a vaca to florida and i could bring a friend, so i asked dan, and he sed sure, well, our hotel, was on the beach, and we were playing in the sand, and then we ran in the water, and we had so much fun, then we got on our towells, and watched the sunset over the ocean... it was so great, then we were walking along the beach, and we sat under the peir... and yea, then we went back to the hotel... and we layed there, and jus talked and laughed, it was great... that was the last dream i had bout him... and i go, isn't the like the perfect day tho... and she's like yea... and jus yea i kno i don't like him... jus wen i get thinkin bout him... idk, it hurts and feels good at the same time... i can't even explain it... well, i got thinkin bout the song Forgotten... and yea, idk y i think but stupid shit... but i do, and it sux... i'm really not in a shitty mood... i jus feel blah and then ryan... he will stay up late jus to talk to me, and he says nicer stuff to me now, then dan did wen we were goin out... but i dun really like him, i mean, i barely kno him... i jus lke talking to him yea, i want to go to the mall tomorrow, but i might have to do sumthin with britts fam instead... ugh, o well... w/e i gess... ooo... and me and britt were talking bout her and tony... god, she is so happy wiht this kid... i mean, he wants to talk to her, and be with her, and he needs her, e loves her more then anything... and the way he looks into her eyes... it jus makes me smile... but in some ways, its like, y can't i have that?... but i hate it wen i think like that, cuz i think thats really gay and pathetic... so yea, but i'm so happy fer her, she is so happy with this kid... ugh, but...idk... i really hate it wen i can't sleep, it sux so bad, but w/e i gess.... but, yea i have no mor to write... so i'm gunna go and stare at the comp, and listin to music
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Hey, I was just randomly clicking on names and reading other diaries but yours really stuck out to me because I just recently broke up with my girlfriend and I know what it's like to think about the person you loved constantly. You were right when you said it hurts and feels good at the same time. Anyway, I've found that it gradually eases the pain if you just hang out with your friends and try to forget about it. Good luck!
Actually that story about the ring was totally untrue.... I just wrote it as a joke to see what kind of response people would give me if they read it. I would never have the courage to do something like that though. Anyway, most of my entries probably will just be made-up stories cuz it's more fun that way.