welll... today guess

ok... i was going to go to the mall, but danielle's grandma wouldn't give us a ride, so yea looks like another weekend at my dads full of nothing, i really have to go to the mall today too... i would call tracei and ask her, but then i would be doing the same thing to her that she is doing to dan, and she wouldn't want to stay there long.... i want to go to the mall for a few hours and jus chill there with a friend so i don't have to go home... but w.e. i'm gunna try to call my gramma again for a ride, and see of she is home, i really hope she is, but if not w.e. i don't know what i am going to get dan, he said he is getting me somehing, so thats cool i guess... i got britt something but shhh its a secret :)... i have to go buy my cuzin sumthin my mom sumthin, and i have no clue for my dad yet... he will want me and my grandma to go together to get it, so hm... idk he is getting a tree on his way home from work tomorrow o i'm not gunna go back to my moms untill like 5, so thats not so bad i guess... he's getting my granmas too, i'll probly end up setting hers together too, hm its ok well tony is at dans now, and i still don't have a ride to the mall i will wite more later but i'm gunna go try to call my gramma again... hmmmmm *sigh* later
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