really good day

yes!! not a single fight all day :) dan came over at like 10:00, i wasn't expecting him till 10:30 :) so yea, i took a shower while he looked at my gay computer, and we layed in my bed like sleeping for hours, i rubbed his back, then he did mine, then we layed there for like another hour... He left at 1:00 to go do his laundry and i had to clean my room, and i was getting really mad at my computer. So then he came over at about 3:30 and my gramma picked us up, we went to see The Ring 2, it was ok. pretty sad, and i liked the first one alot better. we went to coconuts, walmart, and tacobell. my dad picked us up there and i just got home. he was really nice all day, and surprisingly holding me when we walked around. so yea, i'm tired its like 10:00 gunna do some things and then go to sleep ::Goodnight::
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