right before bed

hmmmm... i'm so bored... and i don't kno why i'm writting, but i just felt like it... its 9:50 and i'm about to go to sleep... i'm so fucken tired, and my tummy hurts wicked bad, i hope i'm not getting sick or something, i don't kno what it is, but it sucks.... soooo bad, my head is starting to hurt too... and i don't kno if i'll be able to sleep, this, may sound childish... but i'm kinda scared too... i mean, almost everynight, i've been having these dreams were either myself, or sum1 close to me dies in some way... i hate waking up with tears in my eyes... and then i can't get some things off my mind, they are always there, no matter where i go, i just want all these thoughts to go away, i'm not really sure what to do anymore... i jus feel, like i'm breaking down, little by little, and there is nobody there to catch me, and i don't kno what to do, i'm just so confused, as to why i am feeling this way, i mean, yea, i've felt like shit almost every day for the past like 2 months, but... now its different, i feel like i have no1 there to catch me... but so many to watch me fall... but yea... i'm gunna go to bed now... goodnight...
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