December 1st

uhhh yea, i wrote an entry last night, and i went to copy it b4 i saved it, and it all diasapeard... omg wow yesterday i woke up, and went to school, and a pretty good morning, went to school, had a good day there, came home and it was alright i guess, my brothers were fighting, and me and dan were talking about "us" and how i still like him, and he doesn't know what to do, idk, but it mademe feel like shit, and plus my mom and john were fighting it was just this really big thing, and i'm PMSing and i just wanted to cry, i don't even know why but ugh, it sucked today uhhh well woke up and went to school, on the bus dan started talking to me again, and how he wanted to "give up" on trying to get me over him, he was like i tried to make you hate me but that didn't work, i was like o yea dan "your so fucking stupid just leave me the fuck alone!.... steph i still like you, i need you" < yea thats really making me HATE you... but then i felt better like 10 seconds later (fuckin mood swings suck) and in spanish Ms. Alonso got right n my face again omg! i hate her... i went back to talk to dan and we talked more about stuff on the bus, and i just don't want him to change the way he acts around me, we havn't fought in awhile, and i've been really happy, i don't want any1, especially him, to ruin this for me... i probly should have stayed after for bio, but i just didn't want to, ugh, i'll do it tonight... i might write more later but my phone line is like gone or something idk, but the phone doesn't work and my mom always needs the comp, so idk if i'll be ab;e to get on it later... if not i'll write tomorrow later
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