i hate you

ok, got home from a great day, the competetion was good, we M-E varsity kicked ass, and should have placed better... but i had a really good time with dustin britt and tony... got home and had a good time here 2, then dustin had to go home cuz his mom wanted to talk to him about something important, uhh, her "boyfriend" is gay... well yea, me britt and tony went to wendy's and then dunken donuts, dustin called and met us on watson, i was surprised, i thought he was just gunna stay home all night... but anwayz it was a good surprise... when me and britt got home i was talking to dan on line, well i guess ryan got on and started talking to me, i fucking hate him, i really do... he thinks he knows this shit, and he doesn't, he doesn't know me, he doesn't know dustin, sure dustin DID cheat on my best friend once, but every1 deserves a second chance, and really its only a first chance with me... i like him alot, and i do want to be with him for awhile, well i told that to ryan, and he started saying all this shit, wtf... i love how people think they know me... and how can he be using me, if he's not going to do anything with me for a long time, o yea... he can't! fucking dumbass... w.e. i'm getting mad talking about it well yea, i walked down and saw zack and his friend down here, i just had to let this out, when i was feeling it... i talked to dustin when i got done talking to ryan, yea.... dustin doesn't give a shit what you say huh? ok whatever the fuck you think... anywayz yea... i'm gunna go up to fall asleep with britt now
( : Nighty Night : )
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You arrogant and stupid slut. I hope you'll swallow your tongue.