this week

this week was pretty good, i'm at britt's right now :) monday i went to school, boring as hell, i hate school. uhh i think i hung out wih dan for a little while, then talked to dustin on the phone. tuesday went to school again, nothing special, got in trouble with britt for being late? wow 5 seconds after the bell rang... and dan came over till 5 then left, talked to britt for awhile, and then called dustin and talked till like 10:30ish wednesday stayed after with dustin and went to my house :) he met John, dustin said he didn't have a problem with John, and my mom said that John likes dustin:0 so thats really good... I went with my mom to take dustin home around 8:00. i had a good day :) today i had to stay after for Ms. Vidal, ugh and then me dustin tony and britt, all took britts activity bus home, we went to BK and then it started snowing really hard! so britts dad picked us up at the gas station while dustin and tony went to Dwain's. I guess its a pretty good week, i'm going to my dad's tomorrow after i get my nails done :) oh! and my belly button is fucked, i had to take it out and its just ew :( but w.e. i'll just have to get it re-pierced sometime... tiffany is comin up for the day on saturday, sunday i'm going home, and then monday i'm doing nothing? idk yet but, i'm gunna go now write more later
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