at my dads... again

well here i am again... god, i'm so bored, and i have todo my research paper still... ugh, god i hate weekends, as much as i hate school... i hate staying home so much more.. i'm so ready for this break to end, i want to see brittany, and some other ppl... i fucken hate alonso, and thats the only thing i really can't stand about school, her, tests, and the fact that i ahave to wake up at 6:00 in the morning, but w.e. i would so much rather be there then sitting home all day... gives me les time to think of shit that always gets to me... so yea, probly write more later cuz i'm so fucken bored, and have nothing to do... o yea, nancy is here.. i don't know if that is good or bad, but its something new... i just want my dad to be happy again, so i guess its a good thing :/ later
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awsum diary.. its so pretty. (: