
yesterday i went to school, got in a little thing with dan on the bus, then the whole day knida sucked i don't think i really laughed once b4 9th period... last night, was talking to peter and nick, and who got on? kara, yep... well yea, i got wicked pissed, and bitched at her, i'm not sorry for what i said, because i ment every word, but i am sorry for being a bitch about it dan got home, and major issues there... lets just say ryan is a fucking dumbass who treats his "friends" like shit... i noticed this summer but i always thought he was kidding, guess not... and kara, wow... they are way too much alike, i think that right there is there biggest problem. You can't date someone who is just like you, and then me and dan started fighting about something so stupid...just wow anwayz, that was my night... fucking wow today i woke up at like 8:30 to my phone ringing and it was my dads friend! wwooww took a shower, and i guess i'm going out to dinner with my dad and my gramma for my birthday... fun... so here i am, fucking bored... i'll write more later
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What happend to dustin?Also ur putting to much stress on urself!Relax things will get better I promise!Take for someone who went thru the same thing!