mall bitches

uh well yea... nothing really going on went to school, didn't swim, i really felt shitty and didn't want to wake up at like 5:30 just to take a shower... so yea, school was gay and boring, kinda felt like shit, but thats ok really, i laughed so thats good... came home and just chillied, i was bored, britt called, talked to her for while, then tony called her, at 4:30, haha :) so then she called me back, we talked until danielle showed up at my house asking if i wanted to to go to the mall with her and tracei, i was like yea sure, so i took like $30... bought half of my mom's present, and britt's present wich was like 15-16 all together, and i bought food, yea only that for 30 fuckin dollars, omg!... yea, i wanted to buy dan something, jus cuz he is one of my bestfriends, and just to say thank you for dealing with me all the time, but i have no idea what to get him, so i still don't know ifi will or not... well me and danielle probly could have stayed another hour, but tracei was getting pissed and wanted to leave, she's always like that, everytime we go to the mall, she always wants to leave right then, its like uhhh ok?... so yea, we came home and now here i am o yea, Frank called, my brothers dad, he wants to pick me up tomorrow, to find christmas ordimants(tradtion since i was like 5) so yea, i'm probly gunna do that tomorrow, he wnats to get me a present, i'm thinking maybe digital camera???... if he will agree... so yea that will be cool i guess, as long as my mom's not getting it for me or soemthing, idk, my mom gets all my presents by surprise, so yea... i asked ryan to the dance this weekend, he said he'd think about it(wich is a no) and said that he was coming to maine, him and audrey aren't back together wich surprised me, but i do kinda wanna go to the dance, its my dads weekend, and i would do nothing but just sit there anywayz, but every1 there will have a date and i won't, and its not a big deal or anything, its not like i have to go, and i'm only assuming that tony and marcy don't want me to go either, so i might as well just not even bother with it... but yea, i think i'm gunna go now, its like 9 and nobody's on line, might just go to bed... sounds good... night
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