snow day

well it is Another snow day, and mine startde out lovely wake up at 6:00 gt ready for a shower, my mom says 2 hour delay, soo! try to go back to sleep, but i'm laying in my bed listening to my brothers yelling then get a call from brittany :) she tell me we have a snow day lol... we talked a little while then my mom needed the phone, so i call britt back after that, and my om needed the phone AGAIN!, well, i was getting really irrated, and ugh, i had to wait like 30mins or more listening to my mom talk about really stupid things while she was on the phone, oh what fun got to call brittany back, and read some people's away messages, isn't it funny how a person can think some1 is stupid an immature, but when that persons "other" does that same thing, its deffinatly fine and they don't care... hmm talked to brittany for awhile, and then got on line and started talking to dan... i guess he's sick? idk, but he was being sarcastic and it kinda made me feel really stupid well, i guess i'm not doing anything today, cuz well yea, every1 is probly busy, fun for me huh? oh yes once again, i am having a wonderfull snowday! later
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i HATE it when i want to get on the phone and then ur on it and then somebody wants to use it.. so fine thats cool.. so then they are done and you go back on it and then they need it again! lol i hate it.. but yeah get a cell phone then lol ~mel
thank you steph that really ment a lot to me and now i know how u feel when kara talkes shit about really hurts like a bitch...

and about the reba just hurt that my best friend was talking about me to someone who hates me in the first place...

this whole thing is just stupid and i wish it had never happened..grrrrr..

anyways...thanks =)
