got better

well, dan told me to IM kara all that happend there was us bitching at eachother, both jealous of the other person dan put us in a chat room, the 3 of us... i waqs really mad at first, but we got talking, and, i started being able to breathe again, i was just so upset at kara and dan and just everything... then dan left, so it was just us well i told her about the marcy thing, and some other shit that dan did, cuz she really wanted to know... she said it didn't hve any affect on the way she felt about him and saw him the same way after, so that was good got talking to her more... she seems cool, but, idk... talking about her and dan, it hurts so muhc, i laugh and say yea iknow what you mean, but ugh... it hurts... i'll get used to it though, at least i get along with her now well dan was shitty, cuz i told kara about the marcy thing when he was right there watching, but he's better now and that was basicly my night, oh and britt found me this really cute comment ic, it just has to work first :) but i'm gunna go night
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Hey I luv ur site how do u get the picture up in the corner.