sunday and today

sunday i really did nothing, sat around took a shower, my gramma picked my up and took me out to lunch, we went to some italion place and i had salad garlic bread and chicken alfredo, it was actually pretty good... anwayz, she took me home, and me and dan hung out a little bit wich is always nice... it just sucks cuz its alwayz cold outside monday/today went to school woch always sucks, me and ashley were actually on time to spanish wich i hate alonso she needs to die, talked to britt in SH (well kinda) came home, I WAS ALOUD IN DANS HOUSE :)... not his rrom, but his house, its a start i didnt know when my mom was gunna be home, she didn't have a phone to call john when she got home, so guess who got bitched at, yes her, what a fuckin moron... anwayz, now i'm here talking dan, and about to go to sleep... :Pleasant Dreams:
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