moring entry once again

Listening to: commercials
Feeling: orgasmic
haha zonked... wow uhhhh... really, i have nothing to rite, i'm jus bored, and have nothing to do, so yea... hmmmm, talking to dan melissa peter and antony... cool convo's there... last night i stayed up talking to anthony on the phone till like 3in the morning, it was crazy, i haven't talked to sum1 on the phone for that long in a really loong time hmmmm, today i'm really not doing anything, jus sitting here right now... gotta call my mom soon, hen i'll probly go over there and chill with dan sooo, yea thats's probly gunna be my day, but i'm gunna go later
Read 1 comments have been writing alot more now. I assume you have a computer @ ur moms? Good we have classes together. We both new we'd be better by school. ly byee