...my only broken promise

alright, well i just thought of soemthing today i broke my first promise ever to dan... yep.. i promised him i would always be there for him, and that there is no way i oculd live without him and you know what. i can't live without him, on friday night... my soul died... for heart cried for him. and i gave him up on my own it was my choice not his. i know he had thought about us not talking, but he said it would be too hard, and look at me now. i'm so torn apart inside... that it even hurts too much to cry i try to tell my self this is a good thing, but my heart says its not, my soul can't live without his smile, and his voice. yet my mind is the stupid one... ...i have to go now... i'm getting really upset don't you think its stupid, how sometimes i just sit by the phone. wishing he would call. hoping that he would say he needs me. but that call never comes, that IM never pops up on my computer... its funny, how the only thing i ever get my hopes up for are him, yet he's the only thing that shoot me down
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you are so totaly right steph... and half the time i feel that same exact way. keep ur head up we are doing hte right thing:)...i think..:/

I know exactly how you feel, it's hard to sit around and wait for them to call you, sign on and IM you, and just talk to you. Hope things get better.

Btw, Love your diary!
