so bored so i stole this

stole this from britt cuz i'm REALLY bored BASICS [ x ] Spell your first name backwards:einahpetS [ x ] Are you a lesbian/queer? nope [ x ] Where do you live? maine :( DESCRIBE YOUR [ x ] Wallet? don't have one [ x ] Hairbrush? pink [ x ] Toothbrush? puple and bluish [ x ] Jewelry worn daily? hm, heart necklace, heart bracelet, hair tie, and 2 rings [ x ] Pillow cover? dark blue [ x ] Blanket? white and blue [ x ] Coffee cup? don't drink it [ x ] Sunglasses? none [ x ] Underwear? now? a pretty blue thong [ x ] Shoes? none on, but un matching socks 8 ) [ x ] Handbag? its white [ x ] Favorite shirt? i'd have to say my dark blue sweater from hollister [ x ] Cologne/Perfume? hollister august/AE aoura?? [ x ] CD in stereo right now? theres nothing [ x ] Tattoos? none :( [ x ] Piercings? 2 in each ear, USED to have belly button [ x ] What you are wearing now? dark blue pants, and a pink shirt that say "laguna beach" [ x ] Hair? down straight [ x ] Makeup? eye liner, pink eye shadow, and mascera WHO or WHAT (was/is/are) [ x ] In my mouth? nothing [ x ] In my head? *sigh* [ x ] Wishing? i wasn't so bored [ x ] Talking to? nobody [ x ] Eating? the snack that smiles back until you bite thier haeds off! :) [ x ] If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason?hmmm, john cuz i hate him, any1 you don't want to know [ x ] Person you wish you could see right now? uhh brittany? lol [ x ] Is next to you? TV [ x ] Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month? my birthday :) [ x ] The last thing you ate? goldfish Name three bad habits you have: [ x ] don't do my HW [ x ] get mad about stupid things [ x ] i'm laaaazzzyyyy Name four scents you love: [ x ] AE aoura? [ x ] Hollister August [ x ] Adidas Adrenaline [ x ] Fierce Name four television shows you love: [ x ] disney chanel things [ x ] viva la bam? [ x ] fresh prince [ x ] hm idk Name four drinks you regularly drink: [ x ] lemonade [ x ] water [ x ] soda [ x ] milk EVER.... [ x ] Fallen for your Best Friend?: yep [ x ] Been rejected? yes... [ x ] Been in love? yea [ x ] Used someone? nope [ x ] Been used? yep [ x ] Been cheated on? once [ x ] Done something you regret? who hasn't? LAST THING/PERSON... [ x ] You touched? the keyboard [ x ] You talked to? dan [ x ] You hugged? uh, my mom hugged me goodnight [ x ] You instant messaged? nick? [ x ] You yelled at? dan [ x ] You laughed with? brittany? [ x ] You had a crush on? dan [ x ] Who broke your heart? dan DO YOU... [ x ] Color your hair? no [ x ] Have tattoos? no [ x ] Piercing? yea [ x ] Own a web cam? no [ x ] Have aol? roadrunner [ x ] What should you be doing right now? homework [ x ] What are you listening to? silence [ x ] Can you do anything freakish with your body? uhhh no? [ x ] Chicken or fish? chicken [ x ] Do you have a favorite animal? cat [ x ] Is ice cream the best thing in the world? no RANDOM [ x ] Who would your dream date be with (famous person)? Jesse McArtney [ x ] Single flower or a dozen? single [ x ] Silver, gold or platinum? silver from myself, but gold from a guy [ x ] Candle lit dinner in a restaurant or at home? candle lit at home [ x ] Roses or wild flowers? roses [ x ] Silly or serious romance? both [ x ] Do you consider yourself a romantic? yea [ x ] Shy? alot yea [ x ] Boring? yeap [ x ] The Lovey Dovey type? yea [ x ] What have you done TODAY? well lets see, woke up, took a shower, went to school, talked to dan when i got home, got my CD back, came home, got on line, and sitting here TODAY: [ x ] Laughed? yea [ x ] Helped someone? no [ x ] Dissected something? no, thank god [ x ] Drank alcohol? no [ x ] Cut your hair? no [ x ] Kissed someone? nope [ x ] Missed someone? unfortunetly [ x ] Told someone you love them? ... [ x ] Met someone new? no [ x ] Favorite Disney Characters? Belle [ x ] Favorite fast food? Buger King or Taco bell < agree with britt [ x ] Favorite book? catcher in the rye? [ x ] Favorite song? lots [ x ] What room is your computer in? TV room [ x ] What is your shoe size? 7 1/2 [ x ] What will you be when you grow up? x-ray tech. [ x ] What are you doing right now? ...nothing well, i'm still bored, so i'm gunna go later
Read 2 comments
dont you love it how my boyfriends amazing to more than just me. we were just talking about this in studyhall about how no one sees him the same way.
oh ur a cute one;) ly stephanie
