another weekend

my week.... FUCKING GAY!!!! i don't remember much... but i fought with my mom alot, almost called my dad, to see if i could live here, but didn't... i might have been a lil bit bitchy to britt, and i'm sorry... tracei's been really getting on my nerves, and dan has like ignored me everday in school, isn't he supposed to be my best friend?... w/e, he's alright when were chillin at home, unless someone cooler is there (tony, marcy, anthony, leah, etc.) but yea, in school, he's kinda an asshole... me and tiffany were supposed to go to the mall tonight, but she didn't get the money that she was gunna, so we are goin tomorrow instead... i got at my dads at like 4-4:30, and we talked untill like 7... wow... i asked him if i could live here, he said yes, but its up to my mom yea like she would fuckin care... so yea, i might be moving more out in fuckin nowhere, i wish he lived far away, then no question i would live with him as soon as i could, but he still lives in M-E... so w/e... that cool i gess but yea... i like talking to him, he almost cried like 5 times tho, i felt really bad, but i don't wanna go into it... i really have nothing more to say, but i'll write more tomorrow... later
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