midnight survey

Feeling: listless
yea.. i got really bored.. sooo, yea *Name: Stephanie *Age: 15 *Birthday: March 21, 1989 *School: Manie –Endwell High School *Location: My house *Colour of eyes: blue and brown… *Height:5'2 *Shoe Size: 7and a half *Who lives with you: my dad *When is your bedtime?: wenever I got to sleep * Out of everyone you have liked in your life who have you liked the most: Dan *Whats the best feeling in the world: being in love, and knowing he loves u back --------------------------HAVE YOU EVER---------------------------- *Ever been so drunk you blacked out: no *Put a body part on fire for amusement: my sock… *Been hurt emotionally: yea *Kept secret from everyone: yea *Had an imaginary friend: hehe…. yea *Wanted to hook up with a friend: yea *Cried during a movie: yea…a lot of them *Had a crush on a teacher: nope *Ever thought an animated character was hot?: no *Had a New Kids on the block tape: nope *Been on stage: yea *Cut your hair: not myself… *Been sarcastic: yea -----------------------------------FAVOURITES---------------------- *Shampoo: Herbal Essences….or…. Pantene Pro-V *Colour : blue day/night: depends *Summer/Winter: summer *Lace or Satin: idk… *Fave cartoon: as told by ginger *Fave food: icccccce cream *Fave Movie: Lion King *Fave ice cream: cotton candy *Fave subject: lunch *coke or pepsi?: pepsi *Fave person to talk to online?: brittnay…or, dan, depends on my mood -------------------------------RIGHT NOW--------------------------- *Wearing: silk pj pants... and a pink tank top *Hair is: down *I'm feeling: pretty bored, and confused *Listening to: the radio Eating: nothing *Drinking: nothing *Thinking about: ummm... alot of stuff *Talking to: nobody *Watching: my computer -----------------------------IN THE LAST 24 HOURS------------------ *Cried: i wish i could have... but i didn't *Worn a skirt: no *Met someone new: no *Cleaned your bedroom: no *Done Laundry: no *Drove a Car: I wish ---------------------DO YOU BELEIVE-------------------------------- * In love at first sight: ummmm…. kinda *Yourself: sumtimes *Your friends: yea *Santa Claus: no… my parents tol me wen I was 10 *Tooth Fairy: I think I lost all my teeth *Destiny/fate: yea *Angels: yea *Ghosts: yea *UFO's: no ------------------------FRIENDS AND LIFE-------------------------- *Do you have a girl/boyfriend?: no..... *Like anyone?: ... i wish i didn't, but i love it that i do... *Who have you known the longest out of your freinds?: molly *Who's the loudest: brittany er dan *Who's the shyest: idk….? *Who's the weirdest: peter *Who's the funniest: all of them *Who do you go to for advice?: britt *Who do you cry to?: britt, tony er dan *When did you cry the most?: 4/1/04 *Worst Feeling: sad *Time ended: 1:55AM yea.. i think i got that survey from britt... if i did thanx.. well... i think i'm gg try to go to bed now dan... i feel likei have sumthin to sy to you, i jus dun kno wut, : (
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