i love you britt

so completely bored... so i stole this from brittany anne barton :) A - Age – 15 B - Booze of choice - um don't drink much, and i don't know the name, but its like peppermint.. dr. mc_something? C - Chore you hate – cleaning places that i shouldn't be touching, aka: my bathroom D - Dad's name – Lowell E - Essential item you must have- phone F - Favorite Food – my mom's breakfast thing G - Game you like – Crash Nitrocart? hehe H - Hometown – Endicott I - Instruments of Torture – somewhere between my brothers play drumset and my other brothers violin J - Job of your dreams – i really don't know K - Kids – either non or 2 L - Lyrics – take you're sweet time by Jesse McCartney M - Mom's name - Nancy N - Number of people you've slept with- only 1 (no use trying to keep secret anymore, every1 already knows) O - Overnight hospital stays- none P - Phobia – Spiders Q - Quote you like – We're all the same, And love is blind, The sun is gone, Before it shines (new favorite i guess?) R - Religious affiliation – uh christian S - Super power – true happiness 4ever, that would be super! T - Ticklish? – my sides, my feet, my neck U - Unique talent – nothing V - Vegetable you refuse to eat – tomato W - When I grow up- i wanna be better then my mom X - X-rays you've had – my wrist Y - Yummy food you make – mmm cake... or french toast so that i can almost burn the house down but use a blanket to stop the smoke ;) Z - Zodiac Sign – Aries well, thats it going back to staring at the computer screen... -*Edit*- Holy Fucking Shit! my dad just came up and told me that on monday he woke up kinda sick and then got worse on tuesday, he just ignored it cuz he thought it was the flu, on wednesday he went to the doctor and took some tests and things... well the doctor gave him the strongest antibiotic they had, and told him that if he didn't come in that day, on thursday morning he would have never woken up... that was a fucken slap back to reality, holy shit, i don't know what i would have done without him, he's just always been there, and loosing him... just wow...well i'm gunna go now...
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