boring morning

Feeling: zonked
zesty?... i didn't kno that was a mood... haha, thats what dan calls his sope(wow, i can't spell it)... well, yea, i'm really bored... jus sitting here, listening to he radio, hmmmm... waiting for sumbody to get on line or something so thati can talk to them, uh... w/e yea, i'm sorry if my diary gets way boring, its nothing special, just a place where i put my thoughts...i mean, how interesting can a diary with a boring life be?... well, i talked to dan last night... he told me thati act all pissedof around him now, but i can't help it... i mean, i've always flirted with dan, ever since we met... and just, he doesn't kno me, except for that... and i can't just keep on doing it, because he's going out with tabatha now, and i don't want her to hate me, and i don't want shit to happen between her and dan... but yea, i'm deffinatly not pissed off at himor anything, i can't explain it, i just hope he gets it... hmmm...m dads workingthis weekend, i don't kno why ihave to be here on the weekends... allhe does is work anywayz, so if he's not here, why do i have to be... ugh, w/e.. i get to be online here, wich by the way... MY MOM IS RETARTED!!!!... she sed we ould be getting internet at her house after school started... well school has started!, and i still donthave it, getting pissed off about that, o well uh, nothing really more to say, i'm justreally bored, and for some reason, i jus keep on typing, and just talking bout stupid stuff, like ho i have nothing to write... ya kno, its kinda like when your trying to sleep, and that one person keeps talking and talking and talking and they just won't shut up, and you don't want to hear them talk anymore, but they won't stop *wink* well, if you read this whole thing, it was just alot of nothing or complaining, thats all my entry's ever are anymore, but i just can't help it, my life is boring as fuck, well, anywayz, i'm sorry bout it all..i jus always write whats on my mind... but i'm gunna go nowi gess, long entry, longer then i thoughtit would be, maybe i'll steel a survey from britt or something to keep me busy... later
Read 1 comments
haha i fucking laughed when i read that part in ur diary! hahaha a huge smile was on my face. that was wicked funny. im like still laughing
