Shopping :)

well... lets see yesterday, woke up, and it was a snow day! yes! slept in till 10:30 when i got a phone call from brittany, talked to her for awhile, then got in the shower, called dan and talked to him for awhile... got a call from the realitor saying taht sum1 wanted to look at the house tomorrow(today) right when i got outta school... so for the next hour and a half i cleaned my room, almost spotless... Tiffany called, my dad called... and we went to the mall... i bought 2 pairs of pants, 2 shirts, 2pairs of earings, 1 necklace, and a purse... i did good man!!! lol today, had school... Did Not want to go AT ALL, got there wore some new clothes, a few people said i looked good, so thats always a plus :) Went home to find that the people had already been and gone, so i was happy, dan came over for like 5 minutes b4 he went to go get his permit, he is scared he is gunna fail again, but uh, its not that hard... so here i am, sitting here bored at my dads house, i might go to the mall again tomorrow, but i'm not sure, hmmm... we'll see later
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