wow, pretty shitty

well today, woke up and got in a fight ith my mom, about like everything, rushed out of the house forgot my english notebook, got my sock dirty because my shoe fell off... go to the bus stop and dan was upset, talking to stephanie for 2 hours last night, i guess not even she could make him feel better. Got on the bus, and dan was like looking at me or something, and then i was like "why are you staring at me!" i knowi was a bitch, well then he's like fine i won't. I turned around and realized that i put the wrong ring on and it was stuck on my finger and i couldn't get it off, i was like spazing or something, i don't know what. Well then i got into school, and i was upset cuz i knew i was a bitch to dan. Walked up to his locker and he was talking to a bunch of people, i was like alright, and just stood there, thinking about everything, just everything. I sat down in the hallway by the door, and just started crying, i couldn't help it. All i wanted was to be there for him, and i was a bitch, and i wanted him to be there for me, and he wasn't. He came over and sat down next to me, i looked up and smiled, we talked a little, and hegave me a hug, i did not want to go to class... but i did, didn't finish my math quiz. then got in a fight with dan, he promised me another chance, and he's just going to let things get in the way. i love him, and anyone that has a problem reading this can go suck a fucking dick, you don't have to read it, you do it by choice. So anywayz, he promised me, and today he said he didn't know cuz his mom like hates me, and i'm like its ok, just break another promise, and he called me a bitch, and i called ihm an asshole. I'm sorry i said that, but i'm PMSing and a bad day, i was just upset, i let things get bad, i'm sorry. Sooo my day did not go very well, then i had fucking chris telling dan omg, why would you want to be with her blah blah blah, thanks alot. Yea, my day did not go very well. Spent the whole day worrying about shit, hoping dan wasn't still mad at me :( Well i'm going to go and talk to some people.... write more tomorrow ...i'm sorry :'( ::edit:: and to the bitches who leave me fucking gay ocmments, if you want to say that shit, at least leave your fucking name. So uh thanks a whole lot, if you think thats being mature and making things better, its not. fucking bitches
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