past few days

well last time i wrote in this was sunday and i felt like shit.... monday was alright, i don't really remember anything big that happend... dan came over, i wassurprised in that, he hates my house, but yea, then we jus chilled until my mom came home, and she said dan had to leave cuz john was gunna be home soon, so uh yea, that wa cool, i love how my mom has to do EVERYTHING that john says... tuesady went to school had a good morning... saw dan after bio... uh yea, just wow, i guess he was "arguing" with tony, and i uh interupted him... dan yelled at me pretty bad, "SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU FUCKIN WHORE, BLAH BLAH BALH!" yea that sucked, britt grabbed my hand and started walking away, i went to my locker, and Mrs. Schutzer came out and asked if i was ok, i said yes, but i was about to cry and she knew it... god i can't beleive every1 herd, ugh... well yea, i went in the bathroom and started crying... i came to lunch, started talking to britt (marcy was there)... and i started fucking crying again, i had tears running down my cheek, and i loked up at dan, wow i hope that one made him fel like shit, i guess britt and tony tried to talk to him, and something must have gotten to him, cuz then he was in a shitty mood, but yea,i went home and everything was fone, boring day and my interent and cable wasn't working so that was fuckin fun shit mann... wednesday well nothing really, went to school, just sat there, mom didn't give me any money for lunch again, thats always fun... came home and i forgot it was my mom's first day of work, dan came over, it was nice having him come over alot again... but yea, then dustin and tony and ian and tim came in and threw a snowball at me.. that was cool, they took cerial????? idk, but it was fuckin stupid, i got so pissed off... then me and dan were in m room while i was bushing my hair, and they came in again, with a beebee gunn? idk, but they shot dan and probly something in my house,i was getting so mad, my mom was gunna be home any minute and ugh, o and my mom called too, looking for johns phone number, yea he bitched at her cuz she didn't call him, she has also been really nice to me, and she sticks up for me when john is being gay, he's a dick to me and she knows it... i know she does... thursday/today uhhh today was nothing special, went to school, dind't really do anyhting, i hate school... marcy pulled on dans string to his hoody, he was just like hey, haha... i was like how come you didn't yell at her like you do me?, and he's like cuz you stick around... uhhh yea... w.e. dan... well i guess him and the guys are "wokring out" today and then he is goind christmas shopping he is getting me my present :) ooo yes mann... well i'm feeling blah, probly cuz i'm bored... ugh i hate school so much later
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oh stephanie i looove you=)
We're all a scene in Mona's dream . . .

A Paris street.
A quiet stream.
Far away from cabrini green.
Forgotten love at seventeen,
Where her children got a chance,
Not a dead-end street.

Cause some got religion,
Some gotdrugs,
Some got money and,
Some got love,

All of her days in a dry-eyed haze.
Just another scene in Mona's dream