idk anymore

Listening to: brething~yellowcard
Feeling: confused
uhhh, this thing wouldn't let me on last night, so i gess i'll just tell you about my day yesterday... i went to my mom's, we were there for awhlie, and dan and ryan came to my house :) that was fun... ryan was really funny, he made me smile the whole time... and dan seemed like he was in a good mood, but i gess he wasn't... anywayz, my mom came home from "dinner" w/ john, so we had to go... O!, and i found out, she might want to marry him... ugh, so idk maybe sumday i'll be moving to wherever this guy lives... after i got to britts, i got online, and started talking to ryan, he was all like ... dan likes you alot, i think you should give him another chance, you need him, and he needs you... and dan told me... go w/ ryan he makes you smile, he's better then me, all that other shit dan alwasy says, and how he jus wants tobe my friend, ryan jus thinks different...and i jus don't kno bout him... i mean 2 days ago i would have done anything to be dans girl, and now that i'm starting to be happy again, he wants me back?...idk, i think for awhile, i'm jus gunna stay single, i need to, i gotta figure this stuff out... but yea i told ryan i didn't want to talk about dan anymore, cuz it jus put me in a shitty mood, so we started talkin bout jus gay stuff, and it was funny... we stayed up talking till like 2.. and then i got tired, and went to bed, well... yea that was my day yesterday, so idk... i might go to my moms house for the weekend today, if everything works out, but maybe i won't, well... bye
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