
ok, well i tried to call my gramma and she came to my house and waited for me to get ready... i called danielle and told her that i would be there inlike 20 mins, and she said ok.... so yea, we picked her up... we were at the mall, pretty fun, got dan' present a little something to add on to brittany's, something for my mom, and a little something for myself :) Danielle saw ryan's step-brother there.... uhhh boring? yes! well she talked to him about ryan for awhile, and ya kno that gay stor with all the dream catchers and gay shit in it... yea his mom owns it hahah! oops... but anywayz, danielle went to get a chocolate coverd straw berry and was gunna get me one too, so i said ok, well they didn't have any, so she asked for a banana instead, with peanut butter, it sounds groos, but was actually ok... it looked like a dick though hahahhaa, it was so funny, but yea... her grandma picked her up to take her to dinner, and i met my dad someplace else to get picked up from him to go home... when i got home i had 2 messeges from dan saying to call him back... i did and i guess i had said i would call him back? idk, but him and tony wanted to go to the mall with us, but i thought they were gunna go to joes or something, but w.e. i guess dan is mad at marcy, and he won't tell me why... he said it was personal and i would get mad?... w.e. anywayz... i'm not in a bad mood, i had a good day... i'm just bored now, and i want to make my presents that i got ppl pretty, but i will do that tomorrow... i doubt i wll wirte again tonight, but i will tomorrow later
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