
i wrote yesterday morning, but now i will write about my day.. hmmmm i went to my grammas house and i saw my dads van in the driveway, i wasn't expecting him to be there, but i'm glad he was, he was out back doing something with the horses i think, idk i didn't ask, uncle aunt and cousin showed up, then my uncle, my dad came in just as we were about to eat... had alot i guess, and then pumpikin pie with cool whip and ice cream... hahaha yuummy... when dinner was done, every1 just kinda stayed there for a really long time, and then my cousin left, so i was chillin with my dad and uncle brad while they talked about george bush... yea fucken boring mann! finally my dad left and my gramma took me home then i came home and got on line, i called tracei and she wanted to come over, so i said sure, i gave her the birthday present and she just laughed, she ended up staying the night, so that was funn i guess... we ate ALOT of smarties tho hahaha well thismorning my mom was gunna make us chocolate chip pancakes but she went home because she has to call her aunt or some shit like that... so my day was alright, i write more later, i don't think i'm gunna be doing much, but i'll write anwayz later
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