its wednesday

Listening to: my gum
Feeling: alright
uh, yea, this week has been pretty boring... monday, was jus gay, and we didn't do anything, but i hung out with dan... tuesday, we all went to some park on cayuga lake, it was actually really boring, but better then sitting on my ass at home i gess... today, we havn't really done anything, but jus sit here, we have to go to like castle gardens today or something like that, i hate community service! me nick steve and charles all jus got back from nirchi's, tons of people got there... we only stayed for a lil while... hmmm... i don't kno what i'm gunna do today, like after i get home, probly just stay home and watch tv or something, ehhh... normal day, i might write more later, or tomorrow or something, but yea... britt if you read this... call me... later
Read 4 comments
ummm ur diary sucks soooooooooo bad
RARARARARAR look a purple dino:D
*quiver quiver*...*quiver quiver*
haha dont ask
