...feeling better?

Listening to: naughty girl~beyonce
Feeling: alright
ummm.... today was a better day, i mean nuthin really bad happened, but nuthin really good, i did talk to dan on the phone...it was alright britt is at tony' lake with tony... scott wanted me to come, but 1. i dun thinktony's mom would want to give me a ride with them, and 2. my dad sed no... so yea, but i hope she's havin fun :) this is gunna be a pretty short entry, i really dunt have anything to talk bout... o yea... i'm gunna be going somewhere near darian lake to camp fer a weekend with my dad and a friend from PA... after that we are going to Darian Lake... o wut fun... but i'm comin home on tuesday, and i'm gunna be going to britt's after that fer a couple weeks OMG!!!!... tiffany was on.. and i talked to her again, her dog had puppies... i was planning on gettin one... but i dun think its a good idea anymore, i started talking to josh, all we did was talk about areil, and ywe aren't friends anymore... ya kno maybe if she would call me sumtime, i could ask her... ok... so this entry really isn't that short, but i was really bored... and i'm not gunna write in it for a while, soi thought i would today... might write more if sometin happens [deep] breath... take it in... let it out... big *smile*... and act happy :)...
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Hey girl!! this is a cute diary!! u kno im here for ya!! ur soo sweet and awesome!! cute diary have fun campin!! lol! lots of love