tired as fuck

Feeling: bored
yea... me and britt and melissa were all hanging out today, and kaila called, and wanted us all to come over.. so we went over there and hung out... she lives out in newark valley now...hahahahah, but yea, she seems like a really cool person,we all wanted her to come over, but britts mom sed no, o well... it was really no big deal, she had a snake, i thought of tiffany so much, but kaila's deff not like her at all... but yea we went swimming in her pond, it was fun... then i came home, got on the been bag thing and fell asleep... i got up and went upstairs, melissa was still here, and then wen she left, britt had a "lil talk" with her mom... so yea... nothing really big i tried to go to sleep... i was wicked tired, but then i couldn't sleep... so i went on line, and i started talking to anthony introvatolo... yea, he's a funny kid, i do that sumtimes wen i get bored, i still dun kno if he knos who i em, but w/e, i'm not as bored as i was... but still fucken tired... and yea, my stomach kinda hurts.. but w/e... britt is goin to shadowbrook tomorrow, i hate how she feels bad leavin me here... i might go to the mall w/ melissa and ashley, so it's not like i'm staying here with zack all day...they might go see a movie on friday, idk if i'm going, it talked like i was gunna go tomorrow, but they didn't have rides... anywayz, britt wants me 2 go, but if dan dun want me to go, then he'll be in a pissy mood the hole time, and i dun really care, i jus dun want her to fight with them... anywayz, another long wasted entry... nite
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