comp fucked up

alright my computer fucked up, and it hink the last time i wrote in this was either satuday or sunday, i don't even know... anwayz... sunday was alright i gess, sat around at my dads, came home early so that i could go to dans, but he had to call marcy, and i wasn't aloud in his house anywayz, I DON'T KNOW WHY HIS MOM IS SUCH A FUCKEN WHORE!!! I HATE HER WITH A GODDAMN PASSION!!!! hm... then i had brian ian and dustin knock on my dorr, i was like ok? and dustin left, so i was chillin with brian and ian, then tony came, it was alright i gess, i ate ramen noodles outside :)... then i went to the great chna buffet by the mall :) for my moms birthday, HA, i got her nothing... oops, so yea, it was alright, i ate food, it was yummy good, till tracei knocekd on my door saying she had weed to smoke, but shhhhh, i wasn't supposed to tell... i didn't smoke it anywayz tho, i wasn't in the mood...then i came home and watched some tv and went to sleep... monday woke up, went to school... got in yet, another fight with dan, o what fun that was, came home and sat on my ass, dan didn't even say bye when he went in his house, he ALWAYS says bye, so uh yea, i was like ok?... then i went home and sat and watched movies alllll day, um i don't remember the rest, but uh yea, i think thats all i did... o yea i went to the mall with tracei to pick out a coat, didn't buy it tho, no money... tuesday/today um, went to school had swimming in gym, wasn't THAT late for bio, we watched finding nemo, haha yes! britt crunched her hair, it looked good... um then i got in another fight with dan, i wrote him anote asking if he still want to be friends, he said yes, but we fought bout it for awhile, and i cried, um duh... but i gess we're ok now... then i came home, and my mom me and brothers went to the mall, it was alright i gess, i bought my coat!, and tracei's b-day present, 16 bucks, not alot.., then i came home, and did nothing, so here i am idk what i'm doing over break, but i hope i do something a little interesting... but yea, i'm gunna go now... later
Read 2 comments
everything will work out with dan. i know it will. in the mean time, keep ur head up kid:)

Brittanyyyy:) :-*
i got it off a website by this artist. but you have to have this special program to get it. you're not allowed to just save the pictures.