
well... i got bored, so i took this survey... I AM: Stephanie Burdick I WANT: to be truly happy I HAVE: a tummy ache I WISH: I could do things right I HATE: john (faggot) I MISS: simple things I FEAR: failing in life I HEAR: the keyboard I SEARCH: for my pen I WONDER: if life is worth it I REGRET: this summer I LOVE: brittany barton I ACHE: for love I ALWAYS: will remember I AM NOT: a bitch? I DANCE: alone in my room I SING: in my shower/car/room/mall I CRY: when I'm upset I AM NOT ALWAYS: happy I WRITE: poems sometimes I WIN: at nothing I LOSE: when I'm scared I CONFUSE: myself I NEED: something special I SHOULD: try x. father thinks I am: his little girl x. mother thinks I am: a slut/depressed/mistake x. three things you are often complimented for: 1) my eyes 2) my hair? 3) and idk x. you get embarrassed when:i do somthing stupid x. makes you happy: my friends x. upsets you: fighting yes or no... x. you keep a diary: yes… this x. you like to cook: not really, but I'm helping my g-ma for thanksgiving haha x. you have a secret you have not shared with anyone: yes x. you set your watch a few minutes ahead: no x. you believe in love: yes Who is...? the prettiest male you know: hmm… idk the guy in my dreams? The weirdest person you know: peter the Loudest Person you Know: brittany the Sexiest Person you Know: ashley wink wink Your close friends: brittany, tiffany, peter, dan??? the Person that Knows the Most about you: either dan or brittany Most Boring Teacher: Mr. Jones What is...? your most overused phrase on IM: haha the last image/thought you go to sleep with: arms around me… love your best feature: idk, eyes I guess Inside joke: idk… forgot Do You...? take a shower everyday: yes have a (any) crush (es): uh… no? want to get married: not sure get motion sickness: sometimes think you're a health freak: no get along with your parents: I do my dad sometimes like thunderstorms: most of the time WHEN YOU SEE THIS NAME YOU THINK Of Ryan: williams Rob: tiffany Stephanie: me!!! Heather: idk? Aaron: cornell Sarah: hmmm Amy: 8th grade Will: y scanlon? Paul: polly wogg Eve: Christmas John: FAGGOT! Sam: pennsylvania Laura: u-e Matt: my brother Alex: jones?? Dave: charise Justin: timberlake maybe? Mike: kohn Ricky: I love lucy Jacob: a dog Jack: another dog Chelsey: slut from u-e Nick: vestal SIGN: aries NATURAL HAIR COLOR: blonde CURRENT HAIR COLOR: blonde EYE COLOR: hazel/brow/blue/grey/green BIRTHPLACE: endicott family- PARENTS: nancay and lowell… ew! SIBLINGS: jessica, vito, matthew LIVE WITH: my mom FAVORITE RELATIVE:my cousin lauren favorites: NUMBER: 21 COLOR: pink DAY: march 21st MONTH: june or july SONG: hmm not sure FOOD: anything sweet SEASON: summer SPORT: idk yet DRINK: lemonade prefrences: CUDDLE OR MAKE OUT? cuddle CHOCOLATE MILK, OR HOT CHOCOLATE? hot MILK, DARK, OR WHITE CHOCOLATE? dark or milk chocolate.. I love both VANILLA OR CHOCOLATE? chocolate in the last 24 hours have you: CRIED? yea HELPED SOMEONE? I think so BOUGHT SOMETHING? no GOTTEN SICK? no GONE TO THE MOVIES? no GONE OUT FOR DINNER? No SAID "I LOVE YOU"? no WRITTEN A REAL LETTER? no TALKED TO AN EX? yes MISSED AN EX? yea WRITTEN IN A JOURNAL? this HAD A SERIOUS TALK? yea MISSED SOMEONE? yea HUGGED SOMEONE? no FOUGHT WITH YOUR PARENTS? yes FOUGHT WITH A FRIEND? yes name 5 bands you listen to: yellowcard taking back sunday the used dashboard confessinoal hawthorne heights name 6 things you hate: fighting john crying feeling alone feeling pathetic my house Would You Ever. 1. Eat a bug? no 2. Bungee jump? yea 3. Hang glide? probly 4. Kill someone? no 6. Kiss someone of the same sex? yea 7. Have sex with someone of the same sex? no 8. Parachute from a plane? Uh…maybe, it depends 9. Walk on hot coals? no 10. Go out with someone for their looks? They'd have to be a little sweet 11. For their reputation? um no 12. Be a vegetarian? no! 13. Wear plaid with stripes? no 14. IM a stranger: yea 15. Sing karaoke? probly 16. Get drunk off your ass? yea 17. Shoplift? no 18. Run a red light? if no1 was around 19. Star in a porn video? no 20. Dye your hair blue? umm no Be on suriovor: no 22. Wear makeup in public? yea 23. NOT wear makeup in public? sure 24. Cheat on a test? yea 25. Make someone cry? not purposly 26. Call your math teacher a motherfucker? Only mrs. alger 27. Kick a baby? noooo! 28. Date someone more than ten years older than you? no 29. Smoke Weed? I have, I don't thinki woul agin tho 30. Take a job as a janitor? nooo 31. Wear a tho-tho-tho-tho-thong? yea 32. Stay up all through the night? yes 33. Drink straight espresso? no ok... tooklonger then i thought, but thats fine... i'm really tired now, so i'm gunna go... night tomorrow
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which song?
ha thanks steph .. laurens your favorite cousin!?