problem solved

Listening to: none
Feeling: guilty
ok pplz, well yesterday me nd my friend ashely filed reports on my ex for sexual harassment. i was so scared to do it but i did and now i am glad that i was brave enough to do it. bc now my problem is solved, his bus stop was changed plus his bus. his parents will be pissed bc they have to take him to the bus stop now and its like 5 or 6 miles away but its his fault. he shudve known better. but now i feel bad bc if i hadnt of said nething his bus wudnt have been changed nd all.but if i hadnt of said nething it wud have only gotten worse. plus i feel even worse that this past week i had this big fight with my best friend matt who we are talkin now but i still that was my fault too. bc i cant control my temper and my opinions are very harsh sometimes. but hey i speak my mind...cant handle it, then dont listen to them. that is all i have to say. but he is really sad bc the bf he thought he had wasnt real. so i dunno what to do now. i am runign out of things to say to ppl. skittles is out
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Don't feel bad! I understand that you don't want his parents to have to go through any inconvienience, but it's for your safety.
Don't feel bad! I understand that you don't want his parents to have to go through any inconvienience, but it's for your safety.