Listening to: seether-never leave
Feeling: bubbly
mmm there is no mood that says clumsy...interesting..oh it's been so long since i've put music in that box. anyways, i went to walmart today.
by my self.
i got some stuff, like the ice cream im eating which is about the only thing i can eat right now. no chewing required. my mom keeps asking me to do things that require the use of my mouth moving. and i keep having to remind her that it hurts when i do that. i know, it's hard to remember that i cant use my mouth....oh that sounded dirty.
i was going to go visit davy after i got back...but i think i'll save my gas for tomorrow, when melissa and i go thrift shopping. yay. argh, stupid pop ups.
well i went to get some ice cream and i had just gotten back home so it was a bit soft, i took out a big spoon full and went to put it in my bowl and dropped it on the floor. what a waste....and then i just went to get some more, and got it in the bowl ok, but i went to put it back in the freezer and i dropped the effin carton and some more spilled out. im really clumsy today. so now it looks like i've eaten half the carton, when i really havent, its just some of it fell on the floor. my mouth doesnt hurt too much today. maybe thats bc im keeping myself pumped with pain killers....i got some aleve today, because tylenol sucks. if you ever have cramps, take excedrin, if you dont have pamprin or something like that, it works a whole lot better than tylenol.
last night my mom let me drive her around in my new car. er was it the night before....yeah i think it was the night before, hm wow yesterday seems to have disappeared....anyways, we went to that store, in interlachen, and she wanted to buy one of those larry the cable guy lighters. honestly, how many more people do i have to see taken in by that idiot. i cant stand larry the cable guy. then she knows this, so the whole time we were out she kept repeated
"get er done" and it was driving me mad. i cant stand that guy, its an, or really any of those other blue collar people. the redneck ones. they are such an insult to people who live in the south. northern people must think everylast one of us are effing rednecks. and my mom doesnt even realize that what she is saying is even an insult to herself. its insulting to WOMEN. and they dont even know. they say, 'its funny' no its not. its rediculous and you have only fallen victim to another of tv's evil schemes to make money. and beleive me, those men have made millions by now. and they're not really that funny, all they talk about is thier families, or things that are common sense, that one guy...ron white i think his name is, he shouldnt even be there with those other three dorks. he is actually somewhat funny, and thank goodness he isnt on thier stupid tv show. now that is something not funny at all. i only watched it once, and then only for five minutes. its awful. it should be cancelled.
wow that was aimless ranting for ya. hope you enjoyed. i've never heard anyone say something bad about those guys, so i think its about time. insults i tell ya. bloody insulting.
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